
Fm 2019 editor
Fm 2019 editor

fm 2019 editor

9): Contributors Fen Osler Hampson and Mike Blanchfield describe Canada’s work to promote human rights in China 20 years ago as a total failure. Re Friends Without Benefits (Opinion, Oct. These actions are achievable for everyone without cost.

fm 2019 editor

Here are some suggestions: Avoid drive-through fast-food service cut the lawn only once every 10 days stop using leaf-blowers altogether eat meat only once every five days. Re Why It’s So Hard To Quit Fossil Fuels (Editorial, Oct. Without any proof whatsoever, they’re essentially asking investors, consumers and the public to just take their claims on faith.

fm 2019 editor

Collecting data for its own sake does not necessarily translate into any meaningful environmental benefit resources could be better allocated to specific measures that do.īut if companies don’t disclose even the most basic of sustainability performance data, such as water use, carbon emissions or waste, they can’t reasonably claim that their products provide any positive environmental benefit at all – let alone that they’re “saving the planet,” as some major plant-based food companies claim. 18): I believe it is unreasonable to expect a company to measure the environmental impact of absolutely everything in its operations and supply chains. Re: Critics Call Out Plant-based Food Companies Over Sustainability Claims (Report on Business, Oct. I find it a sad commentary when the creation of wealth outweighs the importance of the health of the environment and public. There is a history of profiteering supremacy over public and environmental health: Big Tobacco with cancer-causing products Purdue Pharma with addictive opioid solutions for pain automakers with gas-guzzling products for off-road weekend warriors miners with production in countries that have weak or no regulations – these are some examples that need attention along with restrictions on the creation of crypto wealth. 18): This feels like just another example of capitalism run amok. Re Bitcoin-mining Power Plant Raises Ire Of Environmentalists (Report on Business, Oct. On the contrary, I suspect that the more immaculate the source of energy, the more inclined we will be to indulge in it.

fm 2019 editor

Yet a joule of energy cares not how it was produced, and the efficiency of its consumption is unrelated to its prior transformations. 15): The International Energy Agency forecasts that removing fossil fuels from the power grid will contribute to a decline in Canada’s per capita energy use. Re Canadians Among World’s Biggest Energy Users, Expected To Remain So In Years To Come (Oct.

Fm 2019 editor